Fee Information

General Fee Information

  • How much are annual Association Fees?

    The Annual fee is $ 100.00 plus GST ($105.00) for Single Family and $75.00 plus GST ($78.75) for Multi Family. Pay before the due data to avoid the 18% interest charges.

  • Why do I have to pay the Association Fees?

    The fees pay for the general maintenance of the community that is not covered by the City of Calgary. RA fees are mandatory as per your land title under CAVEATOR – Homeowners Association. Go to Responsibilities page to read more on maintenance areas covered by the Association vs the City. Download the Maintenance Map.

  • What happens if I don’t pay the fee?

    The principal amount plus interest at 18% per annum will accrue on the property and be added to your account. The fees are added to your land title plus interest and when you sell your home you are obligated for all outstanding RA fees plus interest. If in arrears, legal proceedings may be taken against you at your cost.

  • When are the fees due?

    The Association is obligated to send out invoices for the annual fee before April 30th of each year and the fee are due on May 1st.

  • What is the fiscal year of the Residents Association?

    Nolan Hill Residents Association fees are charged on a calendar year of January to December.

  • How do I know if I'm required to pay for the current year?

    Nolan Hill Residents Association fees for the calendar year will be applied to each account in January of every calendar year. A reminder email will be sent to home owners registered on Condo Cafe. Regular mail will be sent to current home owners not registered on Condo Cafe.

Fee FAQs

I moved to Nolan Hill years ago. Why am I learning about the fee now?

In past years, the developer decided to pay and gift fees on behalf of the Nolan Hill Residents Association / HOA.

2019 was the first year the Nolan Hill Residents Association collected from homeowners. It is an annual obligation.

What are the fees used for?

The money is used to maintain the areas the Nolan Hill Residents Association is responsible for. Please see the Responsibilities page for more information.

Do all residents of Nolan Hill pay these fees?

Yes, the annual Nolan Hill Residents Association / HOA fees are mandatory. All property owners in Nolan Hill have an encumbrance to the Nolan Hill Residents Association on their Certificate of Title.

How do I pay the Residents Association fees?

You can pay online or by mail. Please refer to the Pay Fees page for more information. If you have additional questions, please contact Astoria using the contact form, the email, or the phone number on this site.

Can I set up an automatic payment for the fees?

No, that is not supported at this time.

I was not told about the Nolan Hill Residents Association / HOA fees when I purchased my home. What should I do?

It is the responsibility of your lawyer when you purchase a home in Nolan Hill to inform you of the Residents Association / HOA and the associated fee. It is also the responsibility of your lawyer to advise you of any outstanding Residents Association / HOA fees due on the property.

Why don’t I get mail addressed to me instead of to the current homeowner?

An encumbrance to the Nolan Hill Residents Association / HOA is placed upon the Certificate of Title to the house, therefore it’s addressed to the current homeowner of the house.